Use the knife to cut through the thorny hedge
Pick up the plant
Pull off the icicle
Follow the passage up
Use the knife to cut off the lichen
Follow the path down the hill
Talk to Knight Wrathling
Take the oak twig
Enter Andergast
Pick up the clay jug
Enter your house
Clean out the bird droppings from the cage
Open the clothes trunk
Take the green doublet from the trunk
Pick up the needle and thread
Climb the ladder
Fix the glass shards
Pick up the glass bulb
(must have fixed the glass shards)
Place the glass bulb on the tripod
Pick up the herbarium
Pull out the right drawer
Use the knife with the same drawer
Take the recipe from the drawer
Look at the recipe
Compare the recipe to the herbarium
Climb down the ladder
Go outside
Follow the path up
Use the knife to cut open the herb stand
Pick up the washing bowl
Pick up the root
Follow the path back up
Enter your house
Climb the ladder
Put the mandrake into the glass bulb
(must be carrying the recipe)
Add the root to the glass bulb
(must have compared the recipe or the root to the herbarium)
Add the lichen to the glass bulb
(must have compared the recipe or the lichen to the herbarium)
Add the dove's egg to the glass bulb
Add the magic icicle to the glass bulb
Use the flintstone to ignite the oil lamp
Pick up the reverse-the-curse remedy
Climb down the ladder
Go back outside
Follow the path up
Follow the path to the left
Look at the window
Talk to the castle guard
Place the brown oak twig on the green doublet
Use the knife to cut the green doublet with oak twig
Attach the oak twig from green cloth to the white canvas
Follow the path to the right
Follow the path up
Follow the path to the left
Talk to Knight Wrathling about crows and ask for the pennent
(must have noticed the torn town banner)
Attach the red crown to the white cloth with green oak twig
Use the needle and thread to sew the town's emblem
Enter Andergast
Follow the path up
Follow the path to the left
Wind the winch
Pour the reverse-the-curse remedy onto the improvised flag
Attach the improvised flag with remedy to the pennant fastener
The Dream Chambers
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