The Harp

Break the statue of raven

Check out the catapult
(must have broken the statue)

Pick up the lever
(must have checked out the catapult)

Climb up the steps

Break the ice from the mechanism

Attach the lever to the mechanism

Turn the winch
(must have attached the lever to the mechanism)

Use the knife with the horse's cadaver

Use the knife with the meat
(must have used the knife with the cadaver)

Attach the horse's hide to the chains

Pick up a projectile

Put the projectile into the sling

Pull the lever

Walk back down the hill

Pick up the broken sacrificial pole
(must have launched a projectile from the catapult)

Fix the broken sacrificial pole

Enter the cave

(enter the cave at Raven's Peak)

Attach the horse's meat to the sacrificial pole

Stick the sacrificial pole with meat into the pile of rubble

Enter the next cave

Fix the broken knife

Break the icicle

Use the rib to get the fixed knife

Use the knife with the creature

Take a closer look at Nuri

Talk to Nuri

Use the Seer's artefact with Nuri's tears
(must have talked to Nuri)

Offer the artefact with Nuri's tears to the raven

Academy of Magic

This free video game walkthrough is for the PC

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